Gum Prints

Gum printing uses a solution of watercolor paint, gum arabic, and a sensitizer. This solution is coated onto a substrate (watercolor paper, in my case), then exposed to light using a contact printing method. In most of these prints, up to three layers are used, as the color is rather transparent. The images themselves are enlarged from 35mm film, then printed digitally as negatives to use for the print, so the process is analog to digital to analog. The prints are rather unique in that the process is pretty intuitive as for the mixing of the gum solution.

Gum 01-2019-t
Gum 02-2019
Gum 03-2019
Gum 04-2019
Gum 05-2019
Gum 06-2019
Gum 07-2019
Gum 08-2019
Gum 09-2019
Gum 10-2019
Gum 11-2019
Gum 12-2019
Gum 13-2019
Gum 14-2019
Gum 15-2019
Gum 16-2020
Gum 17-2020
Gum 18-2020